Wednesday, 7 December 2011

My erstwhile companion (and boss) Bob Scott apprised me of the  fact that not only had Kofax software purchased Singularity a Microsoft focussed BPM solution, but also that  Progress  have bought  Corticon rules engine.  A perfect match in my opinion, every BPM tool should have a robust rules engine, not just an OEM add on or primitive routing only capabilities. Indeed the  BPM market consolidation continues apace and as Neil ward Dutton says in his latest editorial this aggregation in the market will only continue through 2012.

This marriage of BRMS and BPM  started many moons ago Capgemini, implemented a now revolutionary solution for the national assembly for Wales using Ilog and Filenet. to automate the assessment and payment of rural farm payments.   

My prediction for the future is that more and more applicaitons will seek to abstract business logic in separate tools, where they can be accesses, created updated and amended as necessary in natural (or close approximaiton of ) language like oracles   OIPA  solution. Rules and process management, will become like database management is today, as nautural to us as mom's apple pie.

1 comment:

  1. Nicholas, what you are not considering that maintaining rules logic and process logic in seperate products, even if they are owned by the same vendor creates a applciation maintenance nightmare. Cross-dependencies of rules and process flows with master data models and user authorizations and interaction is not something to be taken lightly. Such applications can only work with an immense amount of testing during change management before deployment to avoid unwanted side effects of changes. What I have seen at companies who did this is very, very disappoiinting. And it the mega vendors and consulting companies who propose such an expensive and manpower intensive approach because it suits there business model and it ties the customer down. A serious consultant would never recommend it ...
