Sunday, 4 September 2011

BPM and mastering data across the enterprise

 BPM solutions typically rely on core systems to supply or even master the data that they supply. In the BPM process data is retrieved, displayed and updated from those core systems as part of a business process. 

Source Cordys Master Data Management Whitepaper

The BPM solution must rely on trusted data sources used by business stakeholders to support those processes, Master Data Management (MDM) is the process of aggregating data from multiple sources, transforming and merging data based on business rules.  According to Cordys (BPM and MDM supplier) an MDM solution must have the ability to:

•       Find trusted, authoritative information sources (master data stores)
•       Know the underlying location, structure, context, quality and use of data assets
•       Determine how to reconcile differences in meaning (semantic transformation)
•       Understand how to ensure the appropriate levels of quality of data elements

This functionality can and in my opinion should be provided by a solution dedicated to Master data management.  

BPM solutions provide the means to integrate processes across siloed business applications and departments.   This also means mediating or in some cases creating a data model and attribute definitions between multiple systems and departments. Typically data models in different systems do not share the same definitions or same validation rules as more and more systems come on line during a large transformation program managing the data model becomes more complex and an ever increasing overhead to business users.  

If not managed, maintained and updated the data model will no longer support current requirements and will be unable to grow to incorporate future systems as new processes come on line.  This can result in the need to re-engineer the data model and the BPM applications that rely on them.  Data migration of in flight work items is always difficult and time consuming causing increased disruption to the business and inevitable dips in customer service.

“The challenge for a BPM program is how to manage a consistent view of data across the enterprise applications that is now displayed through a single BPM solution”

Source Kalido Master Data Management Technical Overview

Data for a BPM solution is often mastered in one or more sources systems ERP, CRM, SCM or homegrown applications.   In some cases it may be the BPM solution itself and a separate data model is created for the BPM solution. The BPM solution typically retrieves displays and modifies data from source systems through the business process, the data must be updated in those source systems maintaining data integrity and data validation rules. 

Data definition, integrity and validation rules are often different for each system, a BPM solution grows across the enterprise encompassing ever more systems.  Manually attempting to manage a data model across multiple systems and components becomes physically challenging. 

The Capgemini MDM  solution comprises of tools that automate this process and provide model driven approaches to managing data including; automated sub-processes to perform data integration , data extraction, transformations, data quality routines to cleanse, standardize and parse data, find duplicates and manage potential matching candidates, validations and checks.
 “MDM provides a model driven architecture for creating and maintaining a model across multiple systems”

Source Kalido Master Data Management Technical Overview 
Data for a BPM solution is often mastered in one or more sources systems ERP, CRM, SCM or homegrown applications.   In some cases it may be the BPM solution itself and a separate data model is created for the BPM solution. The BPM solution typically retrieves displays and modifies data from source systems through the business process, the data must be updated in those source systems maintaining data integrity and data validation rules. 
The model driven approach enables the business user to define a semantic data model for the enterprise e.g. Customer , Product, Order, Payment, Service Request etc.  Data management tools can interrogate and align the semantic model across multiple sources maintaining relationships and data integrity

The semantic model is maintained in a separate environment that is dedicated to the management of data.  Although the business can author and update the model the complex data integrity and validation alignment across systems is managed automatically by the solution ensuring a much greater level of accuracy in data validation, with significantly less effort, ensuring faster time to market.

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